I used to only use PE Mysis, intil I found the Hikari stuff
I make my own cubes;
I rinse all my food, blend it, mix it, add stuff, play with it, until I like what I see
I then freeze it all in the little silicon cube trays
I found when I was exclusively using the PE stuff I had to rinse it so much with RO that I started to wonder why I was buying it ...

It's greasy, and the stuff I'm rinsing down the drain is probably all they claim my fish will eat
After letting a slab melt in a bowl of RO, I'd try to rinse it but it just kept coming out the same
I tried some Hikari and the difference is big for me
I don't need to rinse it more than once ( although I haven't tried not rinsing it yet )
Plus, my fish love the smaller size of the Hikari over the PE stuff
I only use 'some' PE Mysis now in my mix, and add about the same of the Hikari
Some fish love the smaller size of the Hikari, and the big pigs enjoy the PE mixed in
I enjoy the lack of rinsing the Hikari and know my littler critters eat well
The last batch of food I made was 2 parts Hikari to 1 part PE ( plus all the other stuff I add )
Just my 5 cents