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Old 09-03-2014, 07:04 PM
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mrhasan is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
FYI safe/proper distance is 1 car length per 10mph or 16kph so for 80kph you need 5 car lengths not 2. Not that anybody really does it but that's what it is if you were curious. Sorry about your loss, I remember you were pretty proud of that car when you got it.
Thanks for the information. Yah I came to know about that after the collision. I was taught about the 2 secs rule at the defensive driving course. And yah, hardly anyone does that and if you want to do it, someone won't let you. But then again, its was my responsibility so cannot argue.

Well, it was my very first car that I owned. I even paid $260 for repairing the steering pressure hose only 2 days before the accident and filled the tank too; and not to mention the amount of money that just vanished due to my stupid decision of taking it to Canadian Tire. Thanks

You wouldn't want to see my tank. I don't use fancy equipment and I am a noob
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