Originally Posted by BuschWacker
Situations like this, are the reason I bought a dash cam this summer. I see way to many people driving like a-holes everyday, it's only a matter of time before an accident happens. This way I'll at least have a complete record of any incidents that happen. You would have caught the guy on camera that made the unsafe lane change, complete with license plate, and been able to submit that to police. Money well spent in my mind.
Thanks for the idea. I will think about that when I buy another car.
Originally Posted by Ron99
Not to sound unsympathetic but it's your responsibility to leave enough room between yourself and the vehicle in front of you to react and stop in the event of an emergency. Now if the truck in front of you had hit the SUV that made an unsafe lane change in front of it then that truck driver might have a case. But you simply hit the person in front of you who had to stop quickly. So that one is sadly your fault
North Americans really don't know how to drive and I have seen very few that leave enough room between themselves and the vehicle in front. I remember being tailgated in my old Porsche by people in SUVs and trucks etc. if I had to brake hard due to some circumstance there was no way they were going to stop as quickly as I could. I would often then be forced to slow down significantly due to their dangerous driving or would sometimes brake check them to make a point (also not really safe but hopefully woke them up a bit).
I absolutely agree, it is my fault. Well a lesson learned the hard way

It was all so quick. Despite having 2 car lengths, I just couldn't stopped. I should have had more space and I am not trying to justify that I am not wrong but it was possibly the fate

There were previous occasions where I kept enough distance but someone would just merge into the gap. I don't understand one thing: north americans are so cautious about every form of safety possible but when they get on the road, their nature changes. Hell, I even got flipped since I was going at speed limit in a construction zone.