Originally Posted by FishyFishy!
I put a ball valve on the output side of my mag24. I dialed it back just a bit and it made it run dead silent. I recently did the same thing with my mag12, and it worked wonders. Something you could try. However you still need to dampen the vibration with foam/styro on the bottom of the pump.
I'm trying everything I put styrofoam in and notched it out so it sits down in it. I run it for a bit but still seams noisy like the impeller hitting something and lots of vibration. I have to wait to pump more water rodi making more. I have the mag 18 under sump and it's quiet I could swap pumps around but I'm not sure if I will have enough flow.

I even insulated line out of pump and under header system connected to pump so nothing vibrates on glass