Originally Posted by larrysy
I contacted Tunze. The rep said that it is a pump problem and needs a replacement, but he cannot do anything about it because he is based in the US and suggested I contact JL instead. This is a heads up in case you are considering Tunze products and you are in Canada.
I'll contact JL and see how good the customer service at JL is.
I considered autotopoff before but decided against it because it has to be shipped from the US. Another source is some onlne store based in Montreal but there is a minimum order for free shipping. I ordered at JL because of the sale earlier this month and the free shipping.
At this point, my workaround is to put it on a timer. When it goes on, the pump will deliver 3 seconds of water when the float switch is on. At least the pump wont run if the float switch is off (below water level).
You need to contact Xenia inc. and they have a page for tunze warranty you just simply fill out the info , it's very simple. They are the Canadian tunze distributors. this is what j and l will tell you as well unless they are going to replace it them selves which they may.
Fwiw all top offs can run into issues , but I've ran my tunze for about 3 yrs straight no replacement anything.