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Old 09-01-2014, 04:25 AM
larrysy larrysy is offline
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Location: North York, ON
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I contacted Tunze. The rep said that it is a pump problem and needs a replacement, but he cannot do anything about it because he is based in the US and suggested I contact JL instead. This is a heads up in case you are considering Tunze products and you are in Canada.

I'll contact JL and see how good the customer service at JL is.

I considered autotopoff before but decided against it because it has to be shipped from the US. Another source is some onlne store based in Montreal but there is a minimum order for free shipping. I ordered at JL because of the sale earlier this month and the free shipping.

At this point, my workaround is to put it on a timer. When it goes on, the pump will deliver 3 seconds of water when the float switch is on. At least the pump wont run if the float switch is off (below water level).