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Old 08-26-2014, 04:15 PM
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TimT TimT is offline
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Location: Courtenay, BC
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Hi Brad,

I have never been a fan of pin wheel impellers and cavitating a pump. Cavitating a pump is inherently destructive and I think this is what we are seeing by the amount of pump motor failures. By cavitating a pump I am referring to injecting air into the inlet.

I have used mazzei injectors in the past on several skimmers and they work way better than a beckett etc. I presently use an ETSS downdraft skimmer with an external pump. No moving parts in the skimmer.... yay. Been running flawlessly for 8 years with ozone.

My recommendation is to mod one of the existing bodies you have to accept a 3/4 barb or female adapter, get a mag 6 to 9 pump and I think I still have a used 3/4" mazzei I can set you up with. Put a ball valve in between the pump and mazzei and your good to go.

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