I read somewhere that skimmers, no matter how efficient will never completely remove all organics, there's a very small difference between the best & mediocre ones in that regard. I doubt that there'a 'formula' to measure bioload that will work consistently for any given person's tank. If a tank is overstocked & under maintained with respect to water changes, I doubt that even the best skimmer will keep up.
One would think that measuring nitrates & phosphates would provide some indication of whether one's bioload is exceeding maintenance or skimming performance. Or if one is battling algae issues. I'm stumped because if anything my bioload has decreased lately, hair algae issues I've had in the past are almost non existent at the moment, but I recently tested my water (after not having done so for many moons) and my nitrate reading was about the highest I can remember.... yet minimum algae issues & the critters including anemone & coral I have are doing well....