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Old 08-26-2014, 03:07 AM
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neoh neoh is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Ladner
Posts: 375
neoh is on a distinguished road

90 gallon 4ft with home made pine stand - (48x18x25)" $100

33 gallon - $25

33 gallon wide tank - (33x12x18.5)" $35

25 gallon - Unique Exo Terra Turtle Terrarium (rare) - dimensions are 24x18x14 Custom built black stand with door. - $80

20 gallon tall blue blackground (24x12x16) - $20

Aqueon 3 sump - $180 (will include filter socks)
Oceanic 33 gallon drilled sump single baffle (36x12x17)- $40


Tunze 9004 - $80
ASM G1 (No pump) - $20
ASM G3 (Needs pump) - $40
Marineland Pro 300 (Rated to 300 gallons) - $100


AQpro LED - 24" w/controller - $140


Rio 2500 Return - $20
Speedwave DC 790GPH - $65

CPR CS100 - 1" drain $80 with aqualifter

The Ten Dollah Make You Hollah Stuff:

Fluval 3Plus In tank filter: $10
Diatome Powder - $10
10 gallon tank - $10
10 gallon tank - $10
10 gallon tank - $10

Ceramic Diffuser: Free
Home made skimmer - Free (needs pump)
HOB Canister filter with broken pickup - Free
125 gallon - reef ready single overflow, needs new front glass - Pending
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