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Old 08-25-2014, 04:34 AM
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Aquattro Aquattro is offline
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Aquattro is a jewel in the roughAquattro is a jewel in the roughAquattro is a jewel in the roughAquattro is a jewel in the rough

Originally Posted by Proteus View Post
Brad I had the Omega 130 and was not impressed. I tried the volume and wedge pipe for adjustment and couldn't find a setting to work properly the build was great the performance not so much.
Bought a reef Octopus NWB-SSS and it's a beast. Same body style as the bk you have without the price. Out performs the Omega hand down
The 150 is rated for 210g, I think that's pushing it with a 6" chamber at 21" height. But yes, probably comparable to the mini 160 at a much nicer price. Would be nice if there was a model a bit bigger, say 8" diameter. But yes, this is something I'd look at. Thanks
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