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Old 08-24-2014, 07:30 PM
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Originally Posted by christyf5 View Post
Yeah I'd be ****ed too. No pump replacements? I just can't keep up with all the skimmer talk these days. Seems you can drop 2K on a skimmer and then people are all "ooh you need to upgrade the pump to a flaming dragon". My money tree is dead so I'm effed if my ER ever croaks. Either that or I'll be hitting up your equipment graveyard for salvage
I have anything you need

The Flaming Dragon is actually a good name, and the cost is from the shiny sticker they put on a $100 Laguna pump.
If I can find a pump, at a price I don't need to give up eating for, I'll probably run the BK 160, it did an ok job. OR, if I can find better, within budget, I might go that way.
The official pump replacement is about $250 US, plus all the costs to get it here. If I can buy the $100 pumps, I can buy two and have a spare 160.
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