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Old 08-24-2014, 04:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
I'm checking with Hagen tomorrow to see if they have PT-344 blocks anywhere in the back room, if so, I'll rebuild the units I have here. 2 x160 and a 200. I wake up everyday expecting the 180 in my sump to be dead too -lol

If they don't have them, I'll try a single 1350 pump. Supposedly the same block. If that works, I might just get three of those. I Know a guy who knows a guy who owns a dog that once bit someone that knows a guy, but I'll get him to hold off on anything Until I sort this out. Even if I can get better pricing, I can't afford that x3.
My 180 seized up once and all I needed to do was clean the magnet, etc. I think keeping up on the yearly maintenance is pretty darn important with the BK motors. My version didn't have the bypass. That's not to say you weren't doing it, but maybe the person you bought them from wasn't?
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