Originally Posted by Craigdillman
I'm guessing if you have algea like that your po4 isn't zero what test kits are you using, most kits are very inaccurate at low po4 levels and are very hard to " tell what shade of off light blue is this stupid vial compaired to the paper" ,
I bet if you had a Hanna checker you would see the po4
Regardless I would still run the rowa and try to manually remove as much as you can and It should start to starve it out, manual removal is best at the start then work on starving it out and not giving it the nutrients it needs ---> via gfo/rowa and water changes
Good luck man it will come around
I was testing with a salifert for po4 and it always said 0, reefpilot tested my water with his Hanna checker and bingo! I had po4. I bought one and now test with it. You will have more success if you run your rowaphos in a reactor vs a bag in the sump. I run my ca at 440, alk at around 7-8, mag at 1350, TLF reactors work just fine and Rowaphos or BRS stuff are both good and work well for me, best of luck to you.