Originally Posted by jason604
How much rowophos should I use for my 75g tank? I'm using 2 wp25 which is pretty strong but flow can't go under the mass amount of rocks I have. Ya I should try removing all the rocks and siphon the area.
Yes your rock scape should allow for ample flow around so as not to trap ditrius as your seeing.
I'm not sure how much of rowaphos to use as I don't use that product anymore but see what their recommended dose is and cut it in half or more and just change it out more often. Again rowa is aggressive and should be used sparingly so as or to deprive the corals of po4 by too much.
Two wp25 is plenty of flow but you should try to arrange your rock in a way thay allows flow throughout the whole tank , size is on your side so should be easy to do.
If corals are healthy then I'd look at setting the tank up more efficiently as in the way of rock and flow , allowing better access to all areas and then start on nutrient export a bit more aggressively if you wish.