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Old 08-21-2014, 04:25 PM
jason604 jason604 is offline
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Originally Posted by reefwars View Post
There looks to be a lack of flow in that corner , you can tell from the pics that detritus is clogging and building up on the rock , nutrients will getbtrapped in the ditrius mats feulng the algae above , I would turkey baste the areas and adjust it so theres more current in tht area. Manual remove what you can and keep on the po4 battle.

As for your calcium I agree raise your mg levels but get your calcium up at least to 400ppm , if what your adding isn't rasining then add more and log all doses and tests.

A log book is a beautiful thing until things get into a natural routine.
I have tons of detritus. I do turkey blast my live rocks daily. This is because I have way too many fist sized live rocks n everything just gets stuck underneath it. Does algae consume cal/alk/mag? I'm really considering in getting reactors to run carbon and rowophos to get rid off all my long hair algae.
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