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Old 08-19-2014, 03:22 PM
hfp75 hfp75 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: calgary ab
Posts: 431
hfp75 is on a distinguished road

Well, this thread will take a bit of a change. It has been about prepping rock, but I moved my tank yesterday - THAT IS A PITA...... and HEAVY... made me want out of the hobby and my wife thinks I am absolutely crazy.

Anyways here is a pic of it strapped into my truck.... I'd have taken more pics but my camera died. All my coral and fish in bags and buckets would have been a few great pics but...

Last night I got enough of it up and running that I could go to bed. I had 4 fish die yesterday - I should have added them in first instead of last. The rest of my fish made it. Even "Side-Ways-BOB" my fish that had a stroke or something and only turns in one direction and will bump into rocks, ect (that was last month).

Here is a pic of everything this morning with a few lights on. I am refreshed to see the corals coming out with the light and the fish swimming around. I was forced to use my rock tank as I was out of space and my tank was too murky to get it all in last night.

My Tank 50 Gal - back up and running...

Rock Tank 65 Gal

I have done one water change already and there is another on the way. Two 20% water changes today - so 40% (+/-) changed today should help if there were any water issues.

I am also running a heavy load of Rowa to clean up the 'rock tank'. Don't want any outbreaks now that there is a light on it, there is a bunch of established live rock in there though so it should be good.

It looks ugly but its all alive and well....

I need a new tank and will start a New tank build soon. Both of these tanks are running in the garage so it all needs into the house before it gets to cold....

Last edited by hfp75; 08-19-2014 at 03:28 PM.
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