Start to gather up all your extra goodies be it livestock , dry goods , DIY foods or products etc. there's lots of room and if you need an extra large space just let us know and we will take care of it
Buy , sell , trade or give away
This day will be packed with discounts and deals from all sorts of hobbyist , Businesses and names in the hobby and you'll get to see all sorts of unique corals and fish , talk to the fish breeders in person and enjoy a day of meet and greet.
Drop on over or Bring the family and spend the day with us.
As we get closer Dave will post updates but if there are any questions feel free to post them here or pm one of us here on canreef.
Interested vendors in or out of town who would like to sponsor or take part please send an email to Dave and request info If you haven't done so already
See you all there