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Old 08-08-2014, 12:48 AM
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Originally Posted by reefwars View Post

so we all had a talk and we got to calling a bunch of other fishstores and online businesses, wholesalers etc. that we know and i think we are going to plan the greatest fragfest of all time as there seems to be alot of interest from sponsors in quite a few provinces.

so we need time, as much as we would like to throw a festival together for the end of the month-ish , right now we are looking at flying in other sponsors from different provinces and their livestock, setting up tables for stores and people , making flyers and doing promos and giveaways.

we want all the big names to come together for a day of reef glory lol

so we are thinking either late sept or first weekend in october , the day will be a sunday as overall a sunday seems to work best for everyone.

we will rent tables, tents and a place for kids to hang out and play.

big giveaways, discounts from all vendors , local sales , bbq....the works really. maybe even some fireworks hehehe

we want this to be big.....hundred upon hundreds of people big and would like to see people from outside of calgary make the day trip down , and i think in order to drive say from edmonton to calgary for a festival there needs to be time to plan.

dave is going to plan for the next few days with some vendors and local(breeders/fraggers etc) and then hes going to make a official post explaining what we will all have planned.

stay tuned folks!!

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