Thread: Greg's 75g
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Old 08-07-2014, 03:43 AM
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I recently modded my skimmer a 'bit'

I found I wasn't getting enough air into it, so I reamed out the venturi air nipple
The OD is 3/8" and the ID was kinda tiny, so I removed 1/3rd of the material to get the ID to around 11/32. I'm not comfortable going any larger as the material was starting to look a bit pale and I was risking a sidewall blowout, or an all-out split
IF you do this, do it by hand. Using a drill in plastic tubing this size will surely break something, or hurt you

But what's the point in doing this if the muffler has the same issue ?
I thought about reaming out the muffler pipes, but they're too long to risk breaking them, so I just removed it completely
I've always run it fully open, so am baffled why I didn't bypass it years ago

With the muffler removed I now run a 3/8" ID airline directly from the venturi to the filter outside my window
I'm getting more NOG than I've ever seen from this unit, and it's still silent thanks to my window Mod

Muffler be damned and hello fresh air for pH

Last edited by gregzz4; 08-07-2014 at 03:45 AM.
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