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Old 08-05-2014, 09:45 PM
denny_C denny_C is offline
Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: calgary,ne
Posts: 466
denny_C is on a distinguished road
Default update!!!

ok so its been a while and time for an update

some changes have been made to the tank in the last few months , i have added a 1" sandbed mainly because keeping 30 sq/ft of bb clean was becoming an OCD nightmare lol

ive also removed the bio pellets and have now switiched over to vinegar which has given me much better results and is far less aggressive and precise.

have added a few fish over the last while but nothing too crazy as well some more corals.

i was battling some aiptasia and added a file fish ,demolished aiptasia but well he eats just about all corals too so i guess ill have to live without adding any highend zoas to the tank lol

ill post some pics here shortly as well a small video of the tank once they finish loading

