Originally Posted by spit.fire
It all depends on the zoa
Some are cheap, nicer ones are not
It's like that with all corals I can buy a fist sized acro with beautiful colors for $60 yet I can also buy a 1/2" frag for $100 of something someone else may consider ugly lol
I can buy a colonie of zoas at the store for $40 I may think they are sweet , I can also pay that for a single polyp of something else that i think is sweet , for me size does not matter its can i buy it now , for me if I want something now and not have to wait for it I'll pay the extra As things grow.
Something's are only worth what you will pay for them , as a consumer there's always the option to pass and buy later or something completely different.
Even wholesales are selling zoas by the polyp now , it's Large circle not just the hobbyists .