I'm still playing with my camera but I noticed reds and pinks are the hardest to capture
Emeralds On Fire:
Blue Macaws (No alternating skirts like the True Blue Hornets but the blue on it is awesome!):
Group Shot (RR Houdinis (TopLeft) True Blue Hornets (Center) WWC Twizzlers (Bottom Center) Blue Macaws (Bottom right):
Group Shot (RR Houdinis (BottomLeft) Blue Hornets (Center) WWC Twizzlers (Right)):
Michelangelos (center):
Group Shot (Utter Chaos (TopLeft) Blue Macaws (TopCenter) Pineapple Express & Purple Death (Right) Captain Americs (Center) Candy Crush (BottomLeft)):
Group Shot (Sunny D's, CARS, Pineapple Express, WOW, Michelangelos):
Candy Crush:
LaLakers, ScarFace, My Clementines (Not Happy cause of my TURBO

Candy Crush, Purple Death, Nuke Greens, Pink Hippo

Pink Hippo & Purple Puddle:
Tiger Lotus/Orange Lotus:
Blue Macaws:
Green Midas/Nuclear Midas: