Originally Posted by sphelps
Any electronic device regardless where it's made will have parts from China in it, that's just how the world works. Open up a Libra and you'll find the same. The product is still designed and assembled in Germany and ultimately despite your issues the GHL brand is a good line of high quality products.
I do agree about the service though, there's a high level of arrogance involved with claims made regarding the best support in the industry yet when you have an issue it's instantly turned against you in a defensive manner and yes it can be very insulting. It's not until you make your concerns more public on forums like this do you get any real attention or credibility. Getting parts is also a complete joke, you use to be able to order parts direct which worked fine but now you're forced to order through a dealer which really don't exist, nobody stocks parts and nobody wants to order just one part for you either. I've been attempting to order a new temp probe for over a year but it's completely hopeless, no response from the recommended dealers from GHL and even some of the local dealers in town came back to say the part is back-ordered and they can't order it.
This is all true and for that matter all electronics are pretty much the same inside nowadays. All using foreign parts from all around the world. The power supply should have been at least german made.
It just bugs me when people, post about the GHL being so much better then the eastern counter parts. etc etc. You know the post I'm talking about. People pay the premium and for what?
Heres the ad I speak of(buy once lol)
If this was true, why am I paying again?
As for the product itself. It's a decent product. Not the worse I've seen, but the units and screens do not scream quality. I'll have to order another set of tubes though. I just found out that one tube has collapsed again

These are wear and tear issues and I can't blame the product. Just saying though.
Originally Posted by straightrazorguy
Humidity? Imagine that: a product designed for the aquarium trade is working in a humid environment! What a shock!
I've had some similar dealings with Digital Aquatics; not this bad, but still a pain! I do hope more people share their experiences on forums like this one, because this is the only recourse we have, in spite of shelling out hundreds of dollars on defective or poorly designed products.
That's what I'm trying to say! They do make you feel like you're stupid and that's what brought this tread into existance. I'm no hater. Just give the consumer what they deserve.