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Old 07-28-2014, 09:32 PM
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sphelps sphelps is offline
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Originally Posted by kien View Post
Steve, are you a watch collector? :-)
Not really just have a few in attempts of trying to keep up with my wife's collection. Most of mine are automatics and that tag I suggested is probably too big for you although it does have a cool timer feature. The battery option is smaller as far as I remember. Brinks sells them if you want to check them out.

The smallest and most comfortable one I have is probably the rotary due it's lack of weight and leather strap but it's not functional past telling you the time and that's even provided you wound it up before bed.

I also really like my Bulova but again not overly functional, rotating Bessel but no date. For me it's mostly about aesthetics than anything else. I have an esquire as well which fits all your criteria but I haven't worn it in years, it doesn't give me any fizz.

Good place for watch shopping is the, based in UK but ships here fast and easy. Good selection of unique styles and brands you don't see in your typical store.
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