Yes i believe he has and his biggest comment about the subarus however is that even on the older ones they never seem to need more then their regular maintainence.
That issue with the crappy AWDs is why subaru was at the top of my list. My brother has an 03 wrx and seems to be happy with it. no issues thus far.
In my mind I wouldnt have totaled my Silverado last winter if i had it in 4x4 but the conditions didnt seem to merrit it as the roads were clear. And i think if i had something with good awd that kicked in on its own, that wouldnt have happened.
Our Pontiac Aztek was great for that. Fantastic awd and did great in the snow. You could feel the awd kick in and help. Since then my mother traded that one in for a Ford Edge and she says its awd is nothing in comparison and she misses her aztek.