Hung the frag tank light last night - Hamilton 2 X 250W MH + 2 X 54W T5's. Just received my two brand new radium bulbs (not installed yet). Everything fit together nicely. I have lots of room to raise and lower the fixture, and the ballast fit perfectly under the fuge tanks on the floor.
And this is kinda gross.... When I tested my water change system, I just used tap water. I let the last remaining bit dry out/evaporate. Well here is what is in our Calgary tap water... This is the collection after razorblading the brand new tank bottom last night.
And thanks to Denny @ Concept, here is my new 10 Gallon ATO container. Instead of having the ATO tank to the right of the sump, it now resides behind the sump, leaving a perfect amount of room beside the sump for the CO2 tank for my calcium reactor. I was getting worried about where to put it, so things just worked out! It's a good thing that the ATO didn't fit/got broken.
ATO tank is now fully plumbed into the water change system's RO/DI tank for quick fills.
Next thing to do, is get a new 50 gallon fuge built after smashing the old one... and then I can do a final water test!