Thread: Toronto LFS?
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Old 07-19-2014, 09:48 PM
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Default WOW!!!

Just got back from TO and I'm already wanting to go back for more corals!

Firstly, a very big thank you to Taipan for taking the time to chauffeur me around to tour some of the LFS in Mississauga. We spent almost all day and there were still LFS that we skipped. And that's just in Mississauga!
Thank yous to Rivers 2 Oceans, Canada Corals, Reef Boutique for your hospitality. Thank you to Alex at Frag Cave for letting me tour your home/bussiness.

And who else but Taipan could get me a tour of the Holiest of holies, Reef Raft!! Your eyes will melt to see all J has in person! I see now why Canreef sponsors get their stock from him. It's a shame he doesn't sell retail. *sigh* but definitely awesome to just be able to visit!

I highly encourage anyone who has a chance to go to TO to pm Taipan and see if you can schedule a day or two or three to tour the LFS scene with him. He's very knowledgable in all aspects of the hobby. Seriously, ALL aspects. You will not believe how connected he is!

Pics to come!!
Illuminata 57gallon rimless <-- this is a lie!
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