This is what remains for sale:
Clownfish $20 each or $30 for both (large clowns, 2.5-3" long)
Fiji damsel $15
One spot Foxface $50
Long tentacle mushroom $35 large (6” opened)
Green mushroom colonies small (2-3 heads) $5
Green mushroom colony large (10+ heads) $15
Brown /w yellow center zoa colony large (50+ heads) $30
Brown /w yellow center zoa colony small (15+ heads) $10
Yellow zoa frag $5
Colt coral $25
90g reef / 55g sump / 300 watt LEDs / CSC-120 skimmer - regal tang, yellow tang, unicorn tang, blue devil damsel, clownfish, lawnmower blenny, diamond watchman goby, yellow prawn goby, foxface, coral beauty angel, flame angel, mandarin goby, lots of inverts and LPS corals. Saving up for 300G tank :-)