Here is another great debate thread, well structured with good info all be very similar to what i have said above
What I am finding interesting as the debate continues, the 2 part or 3 part advocates whether commercial or otherwise have STILL not come to the table with anything other than often personal (
kindergarten name calling I am reading elsewhere) attacks against the chemistry of Hans-Werners proven chemically balanced system. The debate is not about a photo of a fancy coral or 2 part outselling the original system. Its about providing insight into what is renowned as the balanced way of doing the job.
I am not saying you MUST use this or your tank will explode, I am giving the insight so you can make your own personal balanced choice what you feel is right for you.
I am going to stick to the science and the proven chemistry in this debate of the original balling system, nobody yet has disproved that. The chemistry speaks for itself. whether harmful or not by not following Hans-Werner is a difficult topic, but the whole purpose is to highlight that IF YOU WANT to you can get the balancing product in one simple box of salt and not have to worry about adding other liquid supplements.
the debate is about having access to the right NSACL-Free salts that comes with all the correct trace elements already included (no other supplements required to be added)
We all know 2 part has a huge following, this is
NOT the debate, the debate is more about now that everyone has access to the missing link they can
IF THEY CHOOSE to now follow balling as it was originally designed.
I am interested to hear instead as a debate how the 3 part users and suppliers do feel what Hans Werner Balling probably one of the most respected people in reef chemistry and marine biology can be discounted as "rubbish" without any science to back up the claims that NACL-Free plus the right ratio of trace elements is rubbished and not required. How can you claim clear and simple chemistry is rubbish, this is what confuses me and has turned this into a debate.
Yes there are other NACL-Free mixes on the market but they require still the addition of other elements to follow the system as designed, this is where TM win by offering a one shot salt mix for those that wish to try the original system easily and more affordably.
Its up to the buying public to decide what they feel is best for them. I have laid out the road map its up to the user to decide now what route suits them the most.
As always I try and write as best as possible from the heart and mind trying to not sound too commercial
To put the commercial aspect into perceptive we make less than $2 on every 1kg of NACL a dealer purchases from us, I could be spending my time promoting something we make $100 on, but I have a passion on providing what I feel is worthy info that you all may find of interest. I hope you all have learned something as much as I

If you go onto to try it out great, but if not, I appreciate the time spent reading up on it and the world will continue to revolve