Please be advised that this continual banter is complete and total nonsense where in another sponsor is trying to use fear and pseudo science to claim a product they sell is the only option for a healthy aquarium and anything else will somehow cause damaged to your tank.
Anyone that understand the basics of maintaining chemistry in the aquarium realizes that this is complete and total hogwash.
We at Reef Wholesale do not believe in the
"Buy my product now or you can not possibly be successful with maintaining an aquarium!!"
As we stated above several times, there are many ways to maintain your water chemistry.
The absolute most important thing that you should do as a hobbiest IMO if you want a happy and healthy tank is provide stable parameters.
Thats it!
We have years and years of experience maintaining happy, healthy well colored and fast growing corals using a whole variety of different methods.
Everything from
CARX + Kalk
2 Part (with cheap bulk chemicals and very high end lab grade)
Full balling (yeah thats right!)
Balling light
Our preferred method for maintaining the parameters that we shoot for is the Balling Light system from Fauna Marin. We have stated why we prefer this method in the posts above so please feel free to read above. Proof is in the pudding and we have posted some pretty baller pictures with some very clearly happy and healthy corals that have been maintained under the Balling light system from Fauna for several years now.
Because we have used ALL of these system I personally can give advise to anyone on the advantages/disadvantages of each system and how to run each system successfully. Additionally we can easily acknowledge that ANY of these system can be used to maintain happy and healthy corals.
There is no winner here.
But there are definitely looser spouting used car sales man tactics and fear propaganda to try to scare people into buying their product.
I really did not want to get into this but this tactic is just not cool and does not better the hobby in any way.
The entire idea of a war is ridiculous.
There is no war!
If you feel that there is a war, take your info up against Randy Homes Farley again on RC under the post in the chemistry forum please. It did not go so well last time though....
The only thing that matters is the success of hobbyists is keeping nice and healthy corals.
If you want to use the full balling system please do. It works.
We actually have the full balling system in stock right now!
With NaCl free salts and trace elements.
The NaCl free salts are in the old square containers as nobody has used this system in a crazy long time but we have them.
If you want to use Balling Light, we have them in stock too with the Fauna Marin dosing pumps.
And if you want to use 2 part, try contacting BRS. They sell a TON of it!!
2 part works.
Thats why its the number one system used in the world!
Oh and did we mention that you can use the trace elements from Fauna with the 2 part method from BRS?
Yes this would improve your 2 part system to include the missing trace elements.
Basically then you are using balling light, the only difference from this to the Fauna system would be that Fauna uses bio polymers in their additives to increase coral coloration and growth.
Here is a video from BRS on how to use the Fauna Marin Balling trace elements with bulk chemicals for 2 part.
And the link:
And here is yet again, more proof of the super happy and healthy corals that you can maintain, grow and color up using the Fauna Marin Balling light system.
No catastrophic ionic imbalance.
Just awesome corals.