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Old 07-03-2014, 11:26 AM
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Aqua Digitals In conclusion,

I would rather post true facts rather than half baked comments with no science behind them or as seen elsewhere simply ridicule often personally and still not offer anything to the debate, if ridicule is the only defense of 2 -3 light then I have won this battle! But my purpose remains steadfast to bring valid information so the reading public can make an educated choice whether to follow the original system that is backed by both science and chemistry or a cut down version that reef chemistry alone I believe can simply disprove.

I hope to try and educate our readers with facts so they can make the balanced choice what is best for them, yes we are aware that for many 2 and 3 part or balling light however you wish to market it has become the standard, but what is so readily forgotten is where did these systems originate from? (Its seems likely Hans Werner Balling own system) and why did these systems decide too eliminate the one single ingredient that is the most important? NACL-free salt that contains all the correct added elements not just NACL-Free.

So far from the debate that has been raging I have seen no evidence that backs not adding NACL-Free with all the trace elements is correct, however science dictated the opposite with the Hans-Werner Ballings original method that possibly spawned these derivatives.

However I believe the spin off products came from han's system and as yet nobody has given any valid reason why this chemically proven equation that hans put his name to needed to be changed other than the fact of cost/ commercial availability of the missing link that is NACL-Free salt with the added 70 trace elements that = what is in your reef salt.

Now that you can get the right ratios everyone now has the option to add back what Hans proved and developed years ago, you can still keep using your same 2/3 part mixes of you so wish, just add the NACL-Free from Tropic Marin and see if after a year you notice some differences.

I have seen some argue that "I am doing ok without it" BUT how well will you do with it? The answer is you dont know, the effects of the imbalances have been proven to be subtle it takes time to show up, and sometimes it does not at all, corals come corals go. Maybe just maybe by following the system as designed you may just get even better success than you are having now.

If all I have managed to do is make a few people think outside what they thought was normal and look at how things were originally designed to be achieved, then I hope my time typing has been of benefit.. Then its up to our great community to decide if what they read is right for them.

Change sometimes is hard to accept more so when its coming from the distributor, and this is why I research all my facts before posting and try and keep things as level as possible with facts and not commercial hype. If you choose to do it the original way then great, if not I do hope you picked up some interest and knowledge along the way. I know I have learned a lot from Tropic Marin in the last year.

Some ask why I close these threads the reason is simple, we are putting our heads above the parapet going against what many class as standard and correct or are protecting their own commercial products and sometimes even I need a break from the cheap shots, we all are human, so when it gets too heated I calm the thread down for a few days then will re-open it. But I hope this debate can stay level so I can leave it open.

I also urge anyone to call Tropic Marin directly and speak to them with all the questions you may have.

Last edited by Aqua-Digital; 07-03-2014 at 11:36 AM.