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Old 07-02-2014, 02:25 AM
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Proteus Proteus is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Devon
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Proteus is on a distinguished road

So upon restarting tank i had two boxes of salt that had really high alk and low mg.
I never thought of testing nsw as ive been using reefers best for a couple years and was always good.

My alk was at 11.2 dkh wow!!

I notice very quickly that i was haveing alk burn on acros.
After some reading i decided to use muriatic acid to slowly lower alk buy rotaing and treating water in seperate bin.
I was suprised at how fast the muriatic acid works to lower alk. Although i took a week of water rotations to get it to 7.5

Funny though ever thou having alk burn some of the brown acro colored up greatly.
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