This is whats left - REDUCED PRICES
3+ inch Yellow Tang - $30
4+ inch Hippo Tang - $40
Two Ocellaris Clowns - $15
Strawberry Dottty - $10
4 inch Coris Wrasse - $20
4 inch Vrolik's Wrasse - $35
3 Inch Pajama Cardinal - $10
2 Blue Chromis... Free if you buy $100 worth of fish.
yellow watchman goby $20
Orange spot Goby $10
GBTA - $25
Here is what I have left for corals.
Birdsnest colony - $40 this is a huge colony (5 x 3 inches)
Red Monti $5 frags
Red people eaters - $20 more than 15 heads
Candy Cane (bright green) 4 heads - $15
Tri Colour Valida 4 - 5 sticks colony (each stick is like 3 inches) $40 -
Meteor Shower - $20 its about 2x3 inches big
Sunny D zoas - disc has about 15 plus polyps I'll sell the whole thing for 40.
Ratasas - $10 per polyp - My disc has about 10 polyps I'll sell the whole things for $60.
Neuclear Greens Zoas 2 polyps - $10
Also have a Pocci SPS coral for $20 bucks. its growing nicely and hase about 10 plus sticks.
Also have fruit loops zoa colony of about 15 heads for $30.
another paly colony growing on a big piece of rock with over 150 - 200 palys for $30.
Lots of nice stuff all for sale. gimme a call at 604-722-7285 and come by anytime today until 8 pm or all day tomorrow.