i have had a massive problem with hair algea ever since i stated my tank.
i have used sea hairs and i have also tried tangs and i have also find out that the aldergrove water is very nutrient rich and that is one of my problems and i am now using ro water to try and combat it.
i have been keeping my nitrate down to about 5 ppm and everything else in my tank is quite low my calcium levels are at about 350 and i switched to kalk cuz i heard that it will help with the phosphates and other stuff
i current re-stocking my tank before i had an snowflake eel
and i have now decided to have a friendly tank.
so the inhabitant are listed in my profile below
i have a very light bio-load
but anyways i head about a product called alagone
if anyone has used this with any vaired amount of success please let me know
and if anyone has any idea about combating hiar please!!!!!!!!!!! let me know!!!!!!!!!!!1