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Old 06-29-2014, 11:45 PM
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Dearth Dearth is offline
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Default Eradication patrol

I went on an ant eradication mission today in my yard and helped my neighbour with his ant hill as I got my hands on 3 one gallon containers of antout chemical killer. I thoroughly soaked 7 ant hills in my yard with copious amounts of chemical ant killer and dug up a large ant hill about 2 feet deep and 3 across and treated it. I then went to my neighbours as he has a massive ant hill at his fence line we ended up digging it out and treating it with more chemical ant killer we dug a 6 foot wide circle and down about 3 feet the colony was massive and we figure there were at least 5 queen ants in the colony. In addition we treated another 5 ant hills in his yard and still have about 3/4 of a gallon of ant killer left.

We figure we will lose grass where we treated in both yards but its a small price to pay to kill off the ant populations.
My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....
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