Thread: RSM130D w/Stand
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Old 06-23-2014, 03:56 AM
Weasy2k Weasy2k is offline
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Default RSM130D w/Stand

RSM 130D tank with an older design RSM 130 Stand. Got this a few years back after I downsized from my 90 Gallon. I have since sold off all my livestock since I just do not have the time to keep any tank going. The stand is in great shape and the tank functions properly with but a few issues:

-One of the 2 circulation pumps does not work anymore, I heard people use maxijets as replacements for the stock units. I was about to upgrade before I decided to shut things down.

-Small peg on the tank that supports the lid is broken, however this is one of 6 and the lid works perfectly. I never noticed it was even broken when I used it for a few years.

-2 small cracks in the bottom plastic of the tank, a cosmetic thing, you don’t notice it unless you are right up to the tank. I have used the tank for years with this and never had a problem.
Crack plastic

Other Notes:
-Lights are a bit old ~1 year used, may want to get replacements.
-Replaced the stock heater with a 6mth used Eheim JAGR 75w unit.

I also will include:
3 Units of Chemi-Pure Elite
A Vertex Refractometer, it is missing the little eyedropper thing but other than that it works!
Plus I have some other random chemicals I an throw in with this if wanted. (Cbalance, carbon...etc)

Attached are links of pictures of this tank showing the issues as described above. If you have any other picture requests let me know.
Inside Tank
Inside Tank 2
Top of Tank
Full Tank

I am selling all this for $200 OBO

Text/Call: 604 315 5314
or PM/reply here...i'll get back to you ASAP.

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