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Old 06-20-2014, 06:09 PM
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Zoaelite Zoaelite is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Calgary
Posts: 2,461
Zoaelite is on a distinguished road

Ladys and gentlemen, prices here ARE OBO.

Would love to move some of these over the weekend, you will not be disapointed with what you head home with.

Shoot me a PM, lets work out a deal!


Colony One- $125
Medium- large sized red planet colony.

Colony Two- $200
7lb liverock, small Sunset Montipora, Large Red Planet with amazing table growth form.

Colony Three- $190
25lb liverock, medium colony of blue clove polyp, massive table shaped colony Red Planet.

Colony Four- $110
Medium colony red planet, small-medium valdia, 10lb rock.

Colony Five- $225
Very large Red Planet, lots of clove polyps, medium rainbow monti.

Or if you want to make it easy and FILL your tank with some wicked looking Red Planet; take it all for $750 (many freebies to come with)
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