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Old 06-19-2014, 06:10 AM
Timbits Timbits is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 249
Timbits is on a distinguished road

Wow I didn't expect to get that huge of a response and many of you are from the same area so why not do a group buy and save some $$$ on shipping!

If you'll like to jump in on this please contact me and the host of the group buys!

So there's 3 group buys so far:

Wayne (wayner) has been so kind to offer to host the group buy for CALGARY
So please contact him for more details!

Ricky (rickcasa) has also been so kind to offer to host for ppl in TORONTO
So please contact him for more details!

Borderjumper is also doing an order from VICTORIA so if anyone wants to jump in please let me or her know!

Once we decide on a shipping date for each of the group buys, everyone can emt me the money. Please contact the host for the group buys to confirm pick up date thanks!
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