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Old 06-18-2014, 02:19 PM
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StirCrazy StirCrazy is offline
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
Hmm, I love Thai!! Anyway, ya, I'll go look there. Was there yesterday, should have looked then.
going to have a hard time finding that size in any lengths, but if you do be prepared to blow a lot of money

West Wind Hardwood Inc. in Sidney (they do custom mill work also, so if you have your metal supports they might be able to make the wood covers)

reamer hardwoods (keating x roads)

I have bought a lot from Westwind, never bought from Reamer.

Windsor plywood is very expensive and don't have much of a selection, but be warned you are looking at rough cut lumber anywhere so you need to plane it, sand it ect...

when you get into solid chunks of wood the size your talking about you could be talking 5 bucks a inch and higher instead of board foot, so talking with west wind about what you want to do and seeing how much they would charge to do the mill work might be reasonable , worth seeing how much it would cost anyways.

I have a bunch of oak 2x4s here but to be honest I wouldn't use it for what you want as it will warp over time. with the steel inside and the wood as a decorative cover that would be ok.

how heavy is your light fixture?

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