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Old 06-15-2014, 03:28 AM
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Dearth Dearth is offline
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Default You just never know....

I was out having dinner and was perusing some aquarium pictures on my iPad and the kids at the table next to me kept looking at the pictures not so discretely and I finally asked if they wanted to see the pictures and their faces lit up and the parents were sorry that their kids were bothering me but I was ok with it as long as the parents were.

The kids were wide eyed with amazement as I showed them more tanks from the net and tanks here on Canreef and the parents even started asking questions and our waitress even was interested I ended up spending close to an hour talking abouT the SW hobby it's joys and pitfalls and wonders.

The unexpected part of the evening for us was the parents picked up my bill without me knowing it till I tried to pay and the waitress took all the drinks and kids desserts off the bills. Was a great evening had by all.
My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....
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