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Old 06-14-2014, 04:46 PM
2pts 2pts is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Vernon, BC, Canada
Posts: 123
2pts is on a distinguished road

I have to comment with my story.

First off Red was so kind to drive me around Toronto on my visit. I was blown away by all the stores and bought a little something from probably each one. The last place was frag cave.

First I was completely blown away by the setup and selection.

Then how nice Alex is hit me, is there nicer people than him even out there?

My iPhone was about to die, not a problem, Alex grabs his charger and let's me charge up while I'm there.

I picked out my zoas from him. Then he starts to pack them up, beautifully for flying, nice and small.

Now understand I had probably livestock bags from the other stores, I'm in panic mode of how I'm going to fit them all in my luggage.

I ask if I could buy some small bags off Alex to repack them smaller. He laughs and says you can have them.

He then proceeds to repack for/with me all the other stuff so it can all fit in one small styrofoam box.

Oh and then drive me to the subway stop.

Soooo nice!!!