Well, I have finally gotten everything cleaned up with the tank/sump this week... I've let the fijicrete "cure" for 2-3 days so my rock structure should be rock solid.
Basically, I'm at the point where it's "Turn the RODI on and fill er' up!"............
And for the first time in my reef keeping "career" I'm actual hesitant about filling this tank up as I'm worried its going to be ANOTHER failure. This "system" is about 1.5years old... and it has not looked like a healthy reef tank for more than maybe a few weeks to a month before something has always gone wrong, corals have died rapidly, fish deaths, etc..
I'm truly at a point where I'm not sure I could deal with more failure if this reboot fails. I was actually pretty excited to get home from work today, put the hose in, and start the long slow process of filling it up this weekend... and yet, I haven't pulled the triggered tonight.