Originally Posted by kien
How do you define "automated" ?? Would my kids hauling buckets for me count ?
Or, pretending to go on vacation and asking Brett to do a water chnage for me while I'm away count ?
hahah you guys crack me up, well played my friend, well played!
Originally Posted by kien
Me neither. Lifting buckets I'd say is the #3 cause of attrition in this hobby. My water station is in my basement. I pump it from there all the way to my living room with a long hose and plug the pump into a remote controlled socket (you can get from Canadian Tire). Press a button and go surf the web. Same process for pumping water out of the sump. Goes down that hose into the basement drain. I've saved a few reefers by pointing them to the remote switch/socket.
This is my single most hated aspect of the hobby, or I should say was, now I attach a hose to the tap head and have it pumped right into a Rubbermaid tub next to the aquarium, I let it sit for a few days and then when I'm ready, I siphon out the water and use a pump (given to me by subman a few years ago (I am still thankful for it subman)) to pump the water up to the aquarium, no more 40 pound water buckets for me....no thanks!
Not only do I no longer throw my shoulders out, I also don't spend an hour cleaning it up and no longer suffer the wrath of the female

Originally Posted by don.ald
If you can't taste it...it ain't a real water change.
You know what, despite all my amazing attempts at minimizing mess, I have to agree, I must taste the water every time I change water, whether it be me splashing it into my face or an overzealous fish splashing it into my face or my damn clownfish scaring all things holy out of me by biting me and causing me to splash water all over the place........