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Old 06-10-2014, 03:18 AM
Taipan Taipan is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Posts: 312
Taipan is on a distinguished road

Q: How do you NOT spend money here?

A: You don't. You spend $ on very nice and healthy eye candy. I highly recommend it. It will make you feel much better. Trust me.

It's been awhile since I lasted visited. I used CanReef member: "2pts" as an excuse to drop by (not that I ever needed one) last week. Mobile phone pics are the best I could do.

2pts and I didn't walk away disappointed. Special thanks to the staff Great service as usual.

Worthy notes:

- SPS have coloured up even more from previous pics.

- Fish system is up and running. Cycling now.

- Very attractive pricing on a lot of dry goods Did I mention dry goods nirvana?

- Radio controlled flying clownfish. Who wouldn't want one?