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Old 06-09-2014, 03:11 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by Sasq40 View Post
There 13g of total water in my ato, i looked and I think it added 2 gallon over night. Must have been 1 tsp I just used what the directions said. My ato usually fills for ten seconds or so the turns off for a bit then goes back on.

Do you mean not dosing other supplements or should I be dosing things with my kalkwasser?

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What I mean is Kalk is a calcium and alkalinity additive so if your dosing or adding any other types of calcium or alkalinity then your dosing more then what the Kalk directions tell you. If you want to run Kalk make sure your not adding any other types of calcium or alkalinity to the system.

Start slow And test you won't go wrong
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