Hunggi, don't quit with the C-Balance, it is a great product! I'm no fan of BRS additives. Especially for a smaller reef like yours where the cost isn't significant.
Originally Posted by Wheelman76
That was two years ago , here is what is in C balance
I know C-Balance is one of the few that have a full load of trace elements in their recipe which is why "back in the day" C-Balance was the awesomest! C-Balance has been around a long, long time.
With the OP wanting an increase of 1 dKH alkalinity and a decrease of 60 ppm calcium we're talking about a 15% change. This is not going to be the be all end all as far as overdosing or underdosing the trace elements in the mix. Especially when the OP is doing regular waterchanges. Julian Sprung is being overly technical. Especially in the case of the OP where his tank doesn't have a real big uptake. If it was a fast-growing SPS tank that was uptaking huge amounts of calcium and alkalinity (and trace elements) then the chances of it getting severely out of balance as much greater. For the average hobbyist with an LPS dominant tank, it's not going to be a problem.
At the end of the day though, a nice big waterchange with good quality reef salt will help balance all the ions better than most people can do with a trace element mix. I've been in the habit of doing a 75-80% waterchange 3-4x per year on my reefs for many years now. It sure makes a difference!