Thread: Raising Alk.
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Old 06-09-2014, 05:07 AM
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Wheelman76 Wheelman76 is offline
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When I first started in this hobby I was using C balance and was having the same problem initially with keeping things balanced. I called two little fishes and left a message , 30 minutes later Julian Sprung himself called me back from his cell phone ( pretty good customer service hey) lol. Anyway he told that it was important with C balance to use equal amounts of each part A and B as its not just Alk and Cal, but many other trace elements in there as well , and doing so would throw off the ionic balance. He told me to use soda ash or calcium chloride to adjust the levels where I wanted them , and then use C balance to maintain. Anyway I'm no expert ,just passing along what I was told from a well respected source.
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