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Old 06-09-2014, 02:14 AM
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Zoaelite Zoaelite is offline
Join Date: May 2007
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Default 250g SPS Break Down Sale- Calgary

Posted this a while back but never got around to selling.

Up for grabs for my brother who is moving places so it does need to go in the next little while. PM me for details.

Currently have up for grabs a very large amount of healthy completely aqua cultured ORA Red Planet. Purchased my original frag back in October of 2010 from Laurier who sourced his from Paul @ Oceanic, photo below.

Has been growing in my systems for over 3 years now, have a total of 5 colonies up for grabs including the live rock they are attached to. Photos below include growth shots, not interested in trades and not looking to ship.
Located Calgary SW.

The above photos are 2 years old.

Colony One- $150
Medium- large sized red planet colony.

Colony Two- $225
7lb liverock, small Sunset Montipora, Large Red Planet with amazing table growth form.

Colony Three- $225
25lb liverock, medium colony of blue clove polyp, massive table shaped colony Red Planet.

Colony Four- $125
Medium colony red planet, small-medium valdia, 10lb rock.

Colony Five- $250
Very large Red Planet, lots of clove polyps, medium rainbow monti.

Please note all of these pieces have blue clove polyps on them, I personally like the look but many hate these thing like the plague!

Recent photos to come shortly.

Last edited by Zoaelite; 06-09-2014 at 02:17 AM.
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