When me and Ryan decided to go splits on a house it was immediately clear that we would go splits on a large tank. We've both been aqua nuts forever and Reefers for the past couple years so we've collected plenty of gear. We purchased a tank off another Canreef member and started the planning. I had a 125 gallon tank running and he had a 75 gallon, so we also had a full supply of LR and livestock.
Step 1: Plan
We wanted to make the tank easy to work on as well as be functional. We'd put in the biggest skimmer we've got as well as a fuge for some algae control and pod farm. Also we needed to be 100% sure that there would be no leaks because the tank would be on very nice hardwood floor and our secuirty deposit on this house is huge. We figured that we'd set the whole tank up in the garage and then when it was planned and tested, we'd dissassemble it and move it on upstairs.
Leak test:
Step 2: Get it upstairs
After a couple cases of beer and a few tanks full of water we got the returns and overflows sorted out. Time to move the tank upstairs... grrr... should have thought of this earlier...
Step3: Setup
2 more cases of beer and a long weekend later....
First get the stand in place and start the plumbing on the sump

Had some LED light strips lying around... perfect

Got the skimmer and fuge set up and started with the reefkeeper wiring