Thread: Some days....
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Old 06-06-2014, 11:15 PM
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Default Some days....

Gave my fish their morning feed today went out for several hours and came back to my Lubbocks wrasse dried out on the carpet even found out where it jumped out of the tank and it ****ed me off cause he was my favourite fish too.

Decided to go to LFS and treat my sorrows to some new critters and ended up buying 2 emerald crabs and a pistol shrimp at the store the shrimp jumped out of the net onto the floor checked it out seemed ok got it home let it acclimate in the bag a bit put it in the tank and it promptly jumped out of the tank onto the carpet picked it up and the bastage pinched my pinky and yes I cried like a school girl got it back in the tank and haven't seen it since.

Now I just discovered that one of my sea cucumbers is in my sump and no friggen clue how the hell it got out of the DT into the sump and it has damage to its side which appears to be healing and no ill effects noticed in the tank

Some days it just don't pay to get out of bed
My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....
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